GreenShifters – Impact Networks. Moving Systems.

Impacting Networks. Moving Systems.
GreenShifters connects between humans to maximise the collective impact.
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GreenShifters works with international decision-makers to implement solutions.
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We are convinced that cross-sectoral cooperation can not only overcome the challenges of our time, but also create a better world.
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Our Projects

©Kiara Worth

Advising of Federal Ministeries concerning strategies for the long-term response to climate change


GreenShifters has been in intensive dialogue with various working groups from federal ministries and leading scientists from relevant fields for several months. Our topics are diverse and include climate tipping points, the planning of a transdisciplinary forum and the development of strategies for dealing with climate change in the long term. Experts from various institutions are currently participating in our diverse multilateral dialogue formats.


GreenShifters has set itself the task of involving leading experts from our network in each project. The focus is always on the added value of (technical) expertise and (pragmatic) effectiveness of the solutions developed. The current project is a prime example of the effectiveness of this approach: shortly after initiating the dialogue with the political players, we involved renowned scientists who contributed to the discussions in a profitable way. All in all, this creates a win-win-win situation: the ministry and the various working groups receive the necessary expertise and advice with minimal effort, as GreenShifters coordinates the contacts, exchange and sustainable transfer of knowledge and ensures this over the entire duration of the project. The scientists have the opportunity to pass on the latest research results directly to the ministry and play an active role in translating them into proposals for concrete measures. GreenShifters achieves its declared goal of creating high-quality, informed and solution-orientated exchange formats between the key players.


Due to the current forecasts on the long-term development of climate change, tipping points and a time window for decisive countermeasures closing in this decade, strategic measures are required that significantly increase the speed of mitigation and adaptation efforts. One way to rapidly reduce GHG emissions is through the widespread provision, financing and implementation of known key solutions. We have already seen that this is possible in the exponential growth of electromobility and solar energy in recent years and could thus serve as a model for similar challenges in the green transition. 

For more information on individual projects and opportunities for active exchange, please contact us at

Save the Green Deal - Coordinated lobbying for more ambitious climate policy in the EU


One of the biggest challenges for the Commission von der Leyen II is the future of the Green Deal. Not only does it offer a unique opportunity to promote social justice within the Member States, positively influence the daily lives of millions of Europeans and drive forward long overdue social and technological innovations, but it also significantly strengthens the EU's economic and international position. Furthermore, achieving the objectives of the Green Deal is an absolute necessity in order to halt the ongoing destruction of vital earth systems and protect our livelihoods for future generations. 

GreenShifters is convinced that we can only meet this historic opportunity and challenge together. That is why we are working to establish a pan-European network involving a large number of different players from all areas of society. This network should complement existing structures and provide clear additionality. In this way, political decision-making can be supported effectively and from multiple perspectives.


A crucial part of our concept is to facilitate the work of all participating organisations by networking stakeholders. In addition, the multiplier effect enables very ambitious goals to be achieved that could not be achieved by individual players or smaller groups and associations. The concrete form of cooperation and networking opportunities for member organisations are diverse and range from informal exchange formats to strategic cooperation. 


Before, during and after the EU elections, the Green Deal and its specific form is a key topic that is highly topical in the area of conflicting interests that need to be weighed up. The EU is a key player and benchmark at international level for measures to combat, mitigate and adapt to the consequences of climate change, and the Green Deal is at the top and therefore politically most exposed position, not least because it is one of the most comprehensive legislative packages on climate and environmental protection in the world. The success or failure of the Green Deal is under close scrutiny internationally and particularly in the Global South, and will play a decisive role in determining the future role of the EU. 

For more information on individual projects and opportunities for active exchange, please contact us at

©Kiara Worth

GreenShifters at the COP - Right at the negotiating table


Many Shifters have experience with the COP and will also be present at COP29 and subsequent summits. A typical day at the COP includes daily meetings of civil society representatives at different levels, briefings on negotiations and positions as well as numerous meetings for networking and campaign planning. The goal of our current COP project is to connect civil society, science and business to jointly advance ambitious climate policies. GreenShifters is taking steps to build a pan-European network in which diverse spheres of society co-operate. This enables the member organisations to support political decisions efficiently, effectively and jointly in a constructive and practical manner. 


The COP project is based on the same logic as our efforts for the Green Deal. Here, too, we are concerned with the effective networking of stakeholders and facilitating the work of all participating organisations as well as being able to play a greater role in negotiation and decision-making processes. Here too, the exchange of knowledge and the integration of pluralistic approaches are at the centre of our work. 


Despite all the justified criticism, the annual COP is a crucial facet of the global endeavour to protect the climate. It achieves this significance in two ways. No binding decisions are generally made at a political level, but the agreements reached at the conference can lay the foundations for overcoming international crises. In addition, the annual final declaration and the global attention it generates are used by many companies as a yardstick for future decisions. At civil society level, the COP offers a unique opportunity to network globally and work together. In addition, as part of the negotiations, numerous discussions are held with politicians and decision-makers at the highest level from all over the world.

For more information on individual projects and opportunities for active exchange, please contact us at

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